International Conference / Symposium / Workshop
- "Tensor renormalization group study of (1+1)-dimensional U(1) gauge-Higgs model at θ = π with Lüscher's admissibility condition"
KEK-THEORY Workshop 2024, KEK, Japan, oral, 11th Dec. 2024
- "Particle Physics with Tensor Network Scheme"
16th Symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Japan, poster, 8th Oct. 2024
- "Tensor network toward the lattice QCD"
Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (RPMBT22), University of Tsukuba, Japan, oral, [invited, keynote], 25th Sep. 2024
- "Tensor networks connecting quantum and classical computations"
UT-RUB Joint Symposium "Cutting Edge Research For Smart Societies", Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany, oral, 5th Sep. 2024
- "Tensor renormalization group study of (1+1)-dimensional U(1) gauge-Higgs model at θ = π with Lüscher's admissibility condition"
41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2024), The University of Liverpool, UK, oral, 2nd Aug. 2024
- "Tensor network formulation of the three-dimensional SU(2) principal chiral model"
SQAI-NCTS Workshop on Tensor Network and Quantum Embedding, The University of Tokyo, Japan, poster, 27th Mar. 2024
- "Tensor network approach for lattice field theories in particle physics"
2024 KISTI-CCS Workshop, Yonsei University, Korea, oral, [invited], 20th Feb. 2024
- "Tensor network method for lattice field theory"
2023 CCS-EPCC Workshop, CCS, University of Tsukuba, Japan, oral, [invited], 11th Oct. 2023
- "Particle Physics with Tensor Network Scheme"
15th Symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Japan, poster, 3rd Oct. 2023
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to the four-dimensional lattice gauge theories"
Quantum Information, Quantum Matter and Quantum Gravity (QIMG2023) 4th week: ExU-YITP Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Information, YITP, Kyoto, Japan, oral, [invited], 29th Sep. 2023
- "Bond-weighting method for the Grassmann tensor renormalization group"
40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2023), Fermilab, Chicago, USA, oral, 3rd Aug. 2023
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to higher-dimensional quantum fields on a lattice"
Tensor Networks in Many Body and Quantum Field Theory, Institute of Nuclear Theory (INT), University of Washington, Seattle, USA, oral [invited], 7th Apr. 2023
- "An overview of tensor network method for lattice field theories"
Kobe Workshop on Cosmology and Fundamental Physics 2023, Kobe University, Japan, oral [invited], 19th Mar. 2023
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to higher-dimensional lattice field theories"
Challenges and opportunities in Lattice QCD simulations and related fields, RIKEN R-CCS, Japan, oral [invited], 16th Feb. 2023
- "Bond-weighting method for the Grassmann tensor renormalization group"
KEK Theory Workshop 2022, KEK, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 8th Dec. 2022
- "Particle Physics with Tensor Network Scheme"
The 30th Anniversary Symposium of the Center for Computational Sciences at the University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Japan, poster, 14th Oct. 2022
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to higher-dimensional lattice field theories"
Tensor Network States: Algorithms and Applications (TNSAA) 2021-2022, ONLINE, oral [invited], 20th Jan. 2022 (video)
- "Restoration of chiral symmetry in cold and dense NambuーJona-Lasinio model with tensor renormalization group"
YITP workshop QCD phase diagram and lattice QCD, YITP, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 25th Oct. 2021
- "Particle Physics with Tensor Network Scheme"
13th Symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences, CCS, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 8th Oct. 2021
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model"
38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2021), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, ONLINE, oral, 28th Jul. 2021
- "Restoration of chiral symmetry in cold and dense NambuーJona-Lasinio model with tensor renormalization group"
YITP workshop Quantum computing for quantum field theories, YITP, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 7th Jan. 2021
- "Restoration of chiral symmetry in cold and dense NambuーJona-Lasinio model with tensor renormalization group"
KEK Theory Workshop 2020, KEK, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 16th Dec. 2020
- "Particle Physics with Tensor Network Scheme"
12th Symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences, CCS, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 6th Oct. 2020
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to four-dimensional complex φ4 theory at finite density"
Asia-Pacific Symposium for Lattice field theory (APLAT2020), KEK, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 7th Aug. 2020
- "Particle Physics with Tensor Network Scheme"
11th Symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Japan, poster, 15th Oct. 2019
- "Phase transition of four-dimensional Ising model with higher-order tensor renormalization group"
Computational Approaches to Quantum Many-body Problems (CAQMP2019), ISSP, Japan, poster, 22nd Jul. 2019
- "Critical behavior of 4-dimensional Ising model with higher-order tensor renormalization group"
37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice2019), Hilton Hotel Wuhan Riverside, China, oral, 18th Jun. 2019
Domestic Conference / Symposium / Workshop
- "SU(2) principal chiral model with tensor renormalization group on a cubic lattice"
79th Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2024, Hokkaido University, Japan, oral, 16th Sep. 2024
- "Application of matrix product decomposition for Grassmann tensor network representation with multi flavors"
Spring Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2024, ONLINE, oral, 18th Mar. 2024
- "Tensor network approach toward (3+1)-dimensional lattice field theories"
Tensor Network 2023, Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, oral, 16th Nov. 2023
- "Particle physics and condensed matter physics with tensor network scheme" [hp210204]
The 10th Project Report Meeting of the HPCI System Including Fugaku, Research Organization for Information Science and Technology (RIST), THE GRAND HALL, Shinagawa, Japan, poster, 26th Oct. 2023
- "Mott transition of Hubbard model with tensor network scheme" [hp200314]
The 10th Project Report Meeting of the HPCI System Including Fugaku, Research Organization for Information Science and Technology (RIST), THE GRAND HALL, Shinagawa, Japan, poster, 26th Oct. 2023
- "Critical endpoint of (3+1)-dimensional finite density Z3 gauge-Higgs model with tensor renormalization group"
78th Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2023, Tohoku University, Japan, oral, 18th Sep. 2023
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to higher-dimensional quantum fields on a lattice"
離散的手法による場と時空のダイナミクス 2023, University of Tsukuba, Japan, oral [invited], 12th Sep. 2023
- "Bond-weighting method for the Grassmann tensor renormalization group"
Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Their Applications 2023, KEK, Japan, oral, 30th Aug. 2023
- "Critical endpoint of (3+1)-dimensional finite density Z3 gauge-Higgs model with tensor renormalization group"
TCHoU Research Member Meeting / Activity and Achievement Reports, The University of Tsukuba, Japan, oral [invited], 27th Jun. 2023
- "Bond-weighting method for the Grassmann tensor renormalization group"
Spring Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2023, ONLINE, oral, 25th Mar. 2023
- "Development of the tensor renormalization group approach for the lattice field theory"
Spring Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2023, ONLINE, oral [invited], 22nd Mar. 2023
- 「素粒子物理学とテンソルネットワーク」
第2回量子ソフトウェアワークショップ : これからの量子シミュレーション〜古典から量子へ、量子から古典へ〜, The University of Tokyo, Japan, oral [invited], 30th Jan. 2023 (video)
- "Particle physics with tensor network scheme" [hp210074]
The 9th Project Report Meeting of the HPCI System Including Fugaku, Research Organization for Information Science and Technology (RIST), Japan, ONLINE, oral [invited], 28th Oct. 2022
- "Tensor renormalization group study of (3+1)-dimensional Z2 gauge-Higgs model"
Autumn Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2022, Okayama University of Science, Japan, oral, 6th Sep. 2022
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to higher-dimensional lattice field theories"
オンライン研究会 : 量子多体計算のフロンティア, Osaka University, Japan, ONLINE, oral [invited], 28th Mar. 2022
- "Metal-insulator transition in (2+1)-dimensional Hubbard model with tensor renormalization group"
77th Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2022, Okayama University & Okayama University of Science, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 15th Mar. 2022
- "Particle physics and condensed matter physics with tensor network scheme" [hp200170]
The 8th Project Report Meeting of the HPCI System, Research Organization for Information Science and Technology (RIST), Japan, ONLINE, poster, 29th Oct. 2021
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model"
Autumn Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2021, Kobe University, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 14th Sep. 2021
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model"
Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Their Applications 2021, KEK, Japan, ONLINE, poster, 30th Aug. 2021
- "Introduction to the tensor renormalization group approach"
原子核三者若手夏の学校2021, YONUPA, Japan, ONLINE, poster, 9th Aug. 2021
- 「テンソル繰り込み群による3+1次元有限密度NambuーJona-Lasinio模型の研究」
原子核三者若手夏の学校2021, YONUPA, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 6th Aug. 2021
- "Phase transition of four-dimensional lattice φ4 theory with tensor renormalization group"
76th Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2021, The University of Tokyo, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 13th Mar. 2021
- "Tensor renormalization group study of the NambuーJona-Lasinio model at finite density in 3+1 dimensions"
Autumn Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2020, University of Tsukuba, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 14th Sep. 2020
- 「テンソル繰り込み群による4次元有限密度複素スカラー場の理論の研究」
素粒子若手オンライン研究会2020, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 27th Aug. 2020
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to four-dimensional complex φ4 theory at finite density"
Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Their Applications 2020, KEK, Japan, ONLINE, oral, 24th Aug. 2020
- "Analysis of four-dimensional Ising model with tensor renormalization group"
75th Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2020, Nagoya University, Japan, oral, 17th Mar. 2020
- "Phase transition of four-dimensional Ising model with higher-order tensor renormalization group"
Autumn Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2019, Yamagata University, Japan, oral, 18th Sep. 2019
- "Phase transition of four-dimensional Ising model with higher-order tensor renormalization group"
Thermal Quantum Field Theory and Their Applications 2019, Kyoto University, Japan, poster, 2nd Sep. 2019
- 「高次テンソル繰り込み群による4次元Ising模型の相転移の解析」
原子核三者若手夏の学校2019, YONUPA, 白浜荘(滋賀県), Japan, oral, 8th Aug. 2019
- "Analysis of specific heat for the 4-dimensional Ising model by higher-order tensor renormalization group"
74th Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2019, Kyushu University, Japan, oral, 17th Mar. 2019
- 「格子ゲージ理論への応用に向けたテンソルネットワークアルゴリズムの基礎」
原子核三者若手夏の学校2018, YONUPA, 南九十九里 白子温泉 ホテル ニュー・カネイ(千葉県), Japan, poster, 7th Aug. 2018
- 「Wilsonの繰り込み群と場の理論への応用」
原子核三者若手夏の学校2017, YONUPA, 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター(東京都), Japan, poster, 23rd Aug. 2017
Invited Seminar
- 「テンソルネットワークで切り拓く素粒子・原子核物理の新展開」
NS Forum (in Japanese), International Christian University, Japan, 17th Feb. 2025.
- 「高次元格子理論に対するテンソル繰り込み群法の応用」
Seminar : Nuclear Theory (in Japanese), Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Japan, 6th Jun. 2024.
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to lattice fermions"
Group Seminar (in English), Xie's group, Renmin University of China, China, ONLINE, 18th Jan. 2024
- "Bond-weighting method for the Grassmann tensor renormalization group"
Seminar (in Japanese), University of Tsukuba, Japan, 20th Jun. 2023
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to quantum fields on a lattice"
Hadron Physics Seminar (in English), The University of Tokyo, Japan, 18th Nov. 2022
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to quantum fields on a lattice"
iTHEMS Theoretical Physics Seminar (in English), RIKEN, Wako, Japan, 8th Nov. 2022
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to quantum fields on a lattice"
Seminar (in Japanese), Nuclear Theory Group, Kyoto University, Japan, ONLINE, 22nd Jul. 2022
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to quantum fields on a lattice"
ipi seminar (in English), Institute for Physics of Intelligence, The University of Tokyo, Japan, ONLINE, 26th May 2022
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to the Hubbard model"
Seminars (in English), Kanazawa University, Japan, ONLINE, 22nd Oct. 2021
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model"
KEK Theory Seminar (in English), KEK, Japan, ONLINE, 16th Jul. 2021
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model"
Seminar : Elementary Particle (in English), Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Japan, ONLINE, 11th Jun. 2021
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to fermions on a lattice"
StatPhys Seminar (in English), The University of Tokyo (Hongo), Japan, ONLINE, 7th Jun. 2021
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to four-dimensional lattice field theories"
Particle Physics Theory Group Seminars (in English), Osaka University, Japan, ONLINE, 10th Nov. 2020
- "Tensor renormalization group approach to four-dimensional lattice field theories"
Seminar (in Japanese), Theoretical Particle Physcis Group, Kyoto University, Japan, ONLINE, 4th Nov. 2020